Sign up for Design Engagement Workshops (7/26 + 7/27)

70 Mulberry Street Advisory Committee, the Department of Citywide Administration Services (DCAS), the Department of Design and Construction (DDC), and Grimshaw, the project’s design consultant, invite the community to participate in a design engagement workshop. The two workshops will center around the design development of proposed community spaces within the 70 Mulberry Street building. There is a virtual town hall and in-person open house:


[Weds, 7/26, 6-8PM] The meeting is open to the public. Registration is required to access the Zoom link and dial-in number. Cantonese and Mandarin language support will be provided.


[Thurs, 7/27, 6-8PM] Join the Open House at Transfiguration Church (29 Mott) anytime between 6 and 8PM ET. Comments will be recorded through interactive activities. Registration not required, but strongly recommend. Cantonese and Mandarin language support will be provided.