T!C’s Candidates Guide: City Council District 1


The Think!Chinatown team has selected a few key issues that we think the greater Chinatown community also strongly cares about. We then contacted every candidate to give each campaign a chance to respond to each topic. Candidates are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot.

Early Voting Period is June 17th - June 25th. Primary Election Day is June 27th.
Find your polling site here.

or download a printable PDF

To brush up your rank choice voting skills, you can use this mock ballot that Think!Chinatown made with Democracy NYC to rank your favorite dimsum! Illustrations by Felicia Liang, Poster design by Xiao Yin Xie

We heard from many of you that our guide was useful when you went to the polls in 2021, and so we hope this year’s guide will help you make this difficult but important decision. The candidates that responded to us are (in order of response): Ursila Jung, Susan Lee, Helen Qiu, Pooi Stewart, Christopher Marte.